Darqawi Dhikr Overview

by hajj Issa Bryce ( blog: http://hajjissa.wordpress.com/ )

The following is a downloadable mp3 talk given before Ramadan in 2009 during a visit to Durban, South Africa. It was meant to give an overview of the dhikr that can be done on a daily basis by the fuqara of Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi. Anyone who has given bay’a to an amir under the Shaykh has the authority to do these dhikrs. All is in the realm of the ‘Nawafil’ or voluntary and is aimed at the individual faqir or faqirah and gatherings of the fuqara.

Please visit the link below to download:


~ by The Murabit Blog on 08/08/2010.

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